Next Week: Worldcon!

So, I have a zillion things to post about, which I’ll get to once the journal paper I’m working on is finished and my research is under control.  There will be a number of movie, book, and concert reviews to catch up on, as well as some more thoughtful essays as I try to produce some meaningful content on this site.  None of this will happen next week, however, as I will be in Montreal attending the Worldcon.

What will happen next week is that I will blog about each day of the con after it is over—either that night or the following morning.  So, from August 6th to 11th (or thereabouts), you can expect a flurry of activity as I talk about the panels I’ve attended, the events that took place, and my general impressions of the con.  It will be my first Worldcon, and only my second con of this sort at all, so the scale of it may explode my brain.

Anyway, that is the plan for the coming week.  Posting about these things while they’re fresh in mind is probably a good idea anyway.